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Saudi Crown Prince MBS Fears Assassination Over Israel Normalization Deal

Saudi Crown Prince MBS Fears Assassination Over Israel Normalization Deal

Concerns About Assassination

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) has voiced significant concerns about his personal safety due to his support for normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. According to a Politico report, MBS conveyed these fears to members of the US Congress, referencing the assassination of Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat, who was killed after signing a peace deal with Israel in the 1980s.

Emphasis on Palestinian State

MBS has stressed the importance of including a credible path to a Palestinian state in any potential agreement, particularly in light of the recent conflict in Gaza, which has intensified Arab resentment toward Israel. The crown prince underscored that such provisions are crucial to any deal.

Key Elements of the Saudi-US Agreement

The developing agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States reportedly includes several significant commitments. These include security guarantees via a treaty, support for a civilian nuclear program, and economic investments in areas like technology. In exchange, Saudi Arabia would limit its interactions with China and establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

Frustration with Israeli Reluctance

Despite the ongoing negotiations, MBS is reportedly frustrated with Israel’s reluctance to include a credible path to a Palestinian state in the deal. Politico described the Saudi approach as “a clever diplomatic marketing strategy,” but noted the challenges posed by the lack of progress on this critical issue.


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