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The Nigerian Exodus: Young Nigerians Navigate the Dilemma of Seeking Opportunities Abroad

The Nigerian Exodus: Young Nigerians Navigate the Dilemma of Seeking Opportunities Abroad

Seeking Greener Pastures

Nigerian graduate Olotu Olanrewaju, 24, faces a tough decision: stay in his beloved country or seek better opportunities abroad. He loves Nigeria for its culture, food, music, and strong family bonds. However, professionally, he feels held back.

Push Factors: Challenges in Nigeria

Olanrewaju believes his electrical engineering degree would be more valued abroad. He cites issues like unreliable infrastructure causing power cuts, security concerns, corruption, and governance challenges as barriers to his personal and professional growth.

The Rise of “Japa”

He’s not alone. Many young Nigerians are contemplating leaving, a trend known as “japa,” meaning “to escape” in Yoruba. A survey found that 69% of Nigerians aged 18-35 would relocate if given the chance, a significant increase from previous years.

Planning the Escape

For those like Olanrewaju and his family, emigrating is a carefully planned endeavor. He aims to move to Germany or Spain, actively learning German to improve his prospects. His brother is already settled in Scotland, praising the reliable infrastructure there.

Personal Stories: Embracing Change

Social worker Oluwatobi Abodunrin, 29, moved to London seeking career recognition and respect. She acknowledges the difficulty of leaving behind loved ones but is content with her decision.

Challenges of Leaving

While leaving offers financial stability and career advancement, it comes at a price. Many Nigerians face challenges such as high living costs, currency depreciation, and the perilous journey to cross borders illegally.

Impact on Professions: The Medical Brain Drain

The medical profession is particularly affected, with a significant brain drain as doctors seek opportunities abroad, leaving Nigeria’s healthcare system strained.

Advocating for Stay: Contributing Locally

Despite the allure of better prospects abroad, some like Dr. Vongdip Nankpah argue for staying to contribute to Nigeria’s development and community welfare.

Balancing Personal Growth and National Loyalty

For Olanrewaju, leaving doesn’t mean abandoning Nigeria but representing its aspirations abroad. It’s a complex decision weighing personal growth against cultural ties and national loyalty.


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